.. _references: ********** References ********** If you want to understand the design behind OpenSees you can look at the following: 1. For the overall framework have a look at: `McKenna, F. "Object-oriented finite element programming: Frameworks for analysis, algorithms and parallel computing." PhD Dissertation, UC Berkeley, 1999 `_ 3. To understand the use of object composition in an OpenSees analysis: `McKenna, F., Scott, M.H., and Fenves, G.L. "Nonlinear finite element analysis software architecture using object composition." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 24(1):95-107, January 2010. `_. 2. To understand the beam-column elements: `Scott, M.H., Fenves, G.L., McKenna, F., and Filippou, F.C. "Software patterns for nonlinear beam-column models." Journal of Structural Engineering, 134(4):562-571, April 2008 `_