.. _imposedMotion: Imposed Motion Command ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This command is used to construct an ImposedMotionSP constraint which is used to enforce the response of a dof at a node in the model. The response enforced at the node at any give time is obtained from the GroundMotion object associated with the constraint. .. function:: imposedMotion $nodeTag $dirn $gMotionTag $nodeTag, |integer|, tag of node on which constraint is to be placed $dof, |integer|, dof of enforced response. Valid range is from 1 through ndf at node. $gMotionTag, |integer|, pre-defined GroundMotion object tag .. admonition:: Example: The following example shows how to construct a **Multi-Suppert Excitation** pattern with a tag of **1* that will constrain the nodes **1**, **4**, and **7** to move in the **1** dof direcection with the ground Motion supplied by the **groundMotion** with tag **101**, whose displacement is given by **timeSeries** with a tag of 3. 1. **Tcl Code** .. code:: tcl timeSeries Path 3 -filePath elCentroDisp.dat -dt 0.02 pattern MultipleSupport 1 { groundMotion 101 Series -disp 3 imposedSupportMotion 1 1 101 imposedSupportMotion 4 1 101 imposedSupportMotion 7 1 101 } 2. **Python Code** .. code:: python timeSeries('Path', 3, '-dt', 0.02, '-filePath', 'elCentroDisp.dat') pattern('MultiSupport', 1) groundMotion(101, 'Series', '-disp', 3) imposedSupportMotion(1,1,101) imposedSupportMotion(4,1,101) imposedSupportMotion(7,1,101) Code Developed by: |fmk|