.. _gmshRecorder: GMSH Recorder ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The GMSH recorder type is a *whole model* recorder, that is it is meant to record all the model geometry and metadata along with selecetd response quantities. The output of this recorder is in the ``.msh`` file format (legacy version 2) which can be visualized with the `gmsh `_ program. This recorder is enabled for use in parallel model (both OpenSeesMP and OpenSeesSP works). .. function:: recorder gmsh $fileBaseName $respType :noindex: .. csv-table:: :header: "Argument", "Type", "Description" :widths: 10, 10, 40 $fileBaseName, |string|, base-name of file to which output is sent (see note 1) $respType, |string|, a string indicating response requested .. note:: 1. This recorder writes several files readable by gmsh. The files are named using the convention be name ``$fileBaseName.$respType.$rank.msh`` where ``$rank`` is the MPI rank of current processor (always 0 in sequential mode, differs in parallel mode). The mesh information is always outputted (during the first write operation only, typically the first time-step) and stored in the file with name: ``$fileBaseName.mesh.$rank.msh``. 2. The valid strings for respType are: .. code:: none disp vel accel partition eleResponse Note the response type ``partition`` is unique to this recorder type and it contains information on the partition each element was assigned (useful in parallel processing to check model partitioning). 3. | The function returns a value: | SUCCESS: **>0** an integer tag that can be used as a handle on the recorder for the remove a recorder in the :ref:`remove`. | FAILURE: **-1** recorder command failed (read the log) .. admonition:: Example: The following examples demonstrate the use of the gmsh recorder command to store displacement results .. code:: tcl recorder gmsh results disp Execution results in the files ``results.mesh.0.msh`` (where mesh info is stored) and ``results.disp.0.msh`` (where displacement response at each node are stored). In gmsh, open first the `mesh` file and then merge the `disp` file into the current model to generate a post-processing view. Code developed by: |jaabell| based on code by |mhscott|, |zhuminjie| and |fmk|.