
beamIntegration('UserHinge', tag, secETag, npL, *secsLTags, *locsL, *wtsL, npR, *secsRTags, *locsR, *wtsR)

Create a UserHinge beamIntegration object.

tag |int|

tag of the beam integration

secE |int|

A previous-defined section tags for element interior

npI |int|

number of integration points along the hinge at end I

secsI |listi|

A list of previous-defined section tags for hinge at end I

locsI |listf|

A list of locations of integration points for hinge at end I

wtsI |listf|

A list of weights of integration points for hinge at end I

npJ |int|

number of integration points along the hinge at end J

secsJ |listi|

A list of previous-defined section tags for hinge at end J

locsJ |listf|

A list of locations of integration points for hinge at end J

wtsJ |listf|

A list of weights of integration points for hinge at end J

tag = 1
secE = 5

npI = 2
secsI = [1,2]
locsI = [0.1,0.2]
wtsI = [0.1,0.05]

npJ = 2
secsJ = [3,4]
locsJ = [0.8,0.9]
wtsJ = [0.05,0.1]
